It has been some time since my last entries, but at least there's a lot of fun stuff to catch up on. I've been sick as a dog the last several days, as many people are/have been, but I haven't been motivated enough to take my free time and put it towards photo sorting. But there will be a lot of cool things to be checking up on, for example:
I took a last-minute month long trip to Southeast Asia, a trip most people didn't know I took. This was in mid-January to mid-February. I got back last Monday, and then lack of sleep and over working put me in bed, sick as all hell. But I'm excited about my pictures, and a lot of people have been saying they wanna see them.
Last Sunday, Jill and I shot her good friend's wedding in San Jose. It was good, I think we got some good pictures, even though I haven't even looked at mine.
I'm going home next weekend to see my family for the first time since Christmas, and I'm pretty excited. I think I'll do a lot of blogging from there, since all I want to do is chill out.
Also, I'll try to get the slideshows previously posted working again..